
About Outreach
Outreach is a program designed to teach K-12 students about engineering through engaging hands-on activities. Outreach is composed of three components: Inspire, Engage, and SWENext. Each of these programs are aimed at a different age group.
SWE Inspire is a program for elementary students where SWE members travel to local elementary schools to perform science demonstrations and engage in experiments with students. SWE members also help facilitate friendly engineering competitions among the elementary school groups. The purpose of this program is to foster an early interest in STEM fields and inspire elementary school students to pursue engineering.
SWE Engage allows SWE members to volunteer at local middle schools in the College Station area to teach students about coding logic and the different engineering disciplines. Each session will involve middle school students getting experience with digital and/or hands-on engineering challenges. The purpose of this program is for middle school students to engage and foster interest in coding and engineering.
SWENext is a program that targets high school students looking to explore various engineering fields for their next steps in life. SWE members at Texas A&M will offer virtual panels for high school students to show off what it is like to be a student in engineering. In SWENext, high school students will learn about the plethora of engineering disciplines, hear about different industries, and ask Texas A&M students questions through a virtual student panel. SWENext offers high school students insight to STEM degrees and opportunities both in and after college.
If you have a question regarding any of these programs, please reach out to our Outreach officers at outreach@swetamu.org.

Emily Christman
Howdy! My name is Emily Christman and I am a sophomore mechanical engineering major from Houston, TX. I spent last semester as the Outreach Co-Chair and I'm grateful I get to continue my role this year! In my free time, I enjoy reading, working out, playing video games, and hanging with my friends. I'm looking forward to having a impactful year full of great memories with SWE!

Treasa Francis
Howdy! My name is Treasa Francis and I'm a sophomore Computer Engineering major from Round Rock, TX. I was a member of the Outreach committee last semester, and I'm looking forward to being one of the Outreach Co-Chairs this year. Some of my hobbies include learning languages, knitting, reading, and playing guitar. I'm so excited to get to know everyone!

What We Do
These officers are responsible for the creation of activities and presentations for each of the three programs, as well as coordination between an Outreach committee full of volunteers and participating teachers to organize over 20 visits per semester. If you have questions about any of these programs, please reach out to outreach@swetamu.org.
Are you a TAMU student interested in volunteering?
Be on the lookout at the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters to join the Outreach Committee! Practice your presenting skills while spreading education about engineering to K-12 students! Meetings are typically biweekly, and visits are sign-up only, so you can do what works best for your schedule!